First and foremost, if you don’t already know I moved back to Oregon. I stayed at my old place in Springfield for about four weeks and recently have been kickin’ it at Ian, Jane, and Cody’s apartment in Eugene. I'm having a great time and want to say thank you to everyone for letting me use their floors and couches.

A couple more weeks went by and Ian, Jane, Kendra, and I went on our annual Smith Rock climbing trip. If you haven’t been to Smith Rocks near Bend, Oregon, I highly suggest that you go. Even if you don’t rock climb. It’s absolutely mind numbing how gorgeous and utterly ginormous it is. Here are a few pics from the trip. All are pretty self explanatory... but for real, go there. Great hikes and it’s. just. freaking. HUGE!

fishing. Apparently we are both terrible fishermen because we didn’t catch a damn thing. We did, however, have a great time and found out that there are some of the coolest camping spots on the lake we went to. In fact, the very next weekend was the two year anniversary for Kendra and I and we wanted to go camping, so I took her there.
The only problem with that was, we didn’t plan for the trip very well and after we got the tent all set up, started a fire, and cooked some hotdogs.... we found that we were incredibly bored and extremely thirsty. Yes, that’s right, we didn’t pack anything to drink. Idiots, I know. So after a short debate, we decided to pack up and come back into town where we made some food and watched some Ninja Warrior and Entourage. Not a bad way to end a six hour camping trip if you ask me.
Before Kendra had to go back to Berkeley we went to my good friend Gabe's birthday/graduation party where I found out that an old house mate/friend of mine named Aaron was getting married. I don’t normally like going to weddings that I don’t get invited to but Aaron personally invited me and he’s such a rad guy that I just couldn’t say no. That and I was lucky enough to car pool with Zachary’s family and listen to their daughter sing along with the new New Kids On The Block album. No really... I’m not kidding... she freaking loves it almost as much as her mom does. Probably one of the cutest kids in the world. So thank you Leia for being the entertainment for us all in the car that day.
I bet the wedding was nice but information was relayed to us incorrectly and what we thought was a seven o’clock wedding, was actually a five o’clock wedding. By the time we got there, the reception was nearly over and people had already started leaving. Not a huge deal, because we still got to see a ton of people and Aaron and his new wife Jessica looked amazing.
A few things to finish up here:
Things are great and they are soon to be even better. On the 13th of August, I’m heading down to Berkeley with a truck and trailer and bringing Kendra back to the beautiful North West. She’s excited, I’m excited, and needless to say, her family is very excited.

Like I said, this summer is only half way over and I can't wait to see what happens next. Things are good and I'm really enjoying it.
I bet the wedding was nice but information was relayed to us incorrectly and what we thought was a seven o’clock wedding, was actually a five o’clock wedding. By the time we got there, the reception was nearly over and people had already started leaving. Not a huge deal, because we still got to see a ton of people and Aaron and his new wife Jessica looked amazing.
A few things to finish up here:

- I’m currently working with some of the greatest guys anyone could ask for and really enjoying it.
- I decided to shave my head. I haven’t done it since the 8th grade and I have to say, it’s absolutely wonderful.
- Been going to the lake with my parents on their boat and today Gracie decided to come.
Things are great and they are soon to be even better. On the 13th of August, I’m heading down to Berkeley with a truck and trailer and bringing Kendra back to the beautiful North West. She’s excited, I’m excited, and needless to say, her family is very excited.

Like I said, this summer is only half way over and I can't wait to see what happens next. Things are good and I'm really enjoying it.
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