I have an addiction. An addiction that is not easily overcome. Oh RedBull, sweet sweet RedBull. Nectar of the gods. If not of the gods, it is at least approved by the gods. Upon inspection and a little research on the RedBull website, I found that RedBull is Kosher and Halal. Apparently “the production site and the origin of the ingredients were inspected and checked by the responsible organizations”. Good to know.
Enough nonsense, I have a meeting today with my the head of financial aid at SFSDF today and I really hope that we are going to figure out how to get to that $30,000 goal. Or maybe part of it.
On a more creative note, I have recently found out that my Sony Cyber-shot camera actually takes very clear digital video footage and I have been having fun with that around town and maybe I’ll post something up in a week or so. I only have a 2GB memory card so I have to take the highest possible quality of footage and then dump that info on to my computer and take more. I’m sure I can come up with something to make sure that my editing skills don’t get too rusty. So keep an eye out for that next week possibly.
One more thing, my mom just had surgery. Nothing major, but she’s a bad ass and I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that. If you know her at all, you should send her an email, text, or ring her up an wish her well. Knowing my mom, who is quite active and is stuck off of her feet for about 6 weeks, she’ll be going stir crazy around the end of this week. So say hi or bake her some chocolate cake. She probably love you forever.
I hate to break it to ya, but your addiction to Red Bull is no secret.
It's not an addiction unless it's a problem.
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